
Welcome to my Portfolios page!

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Date: yyyy.mm.dd

Welcome to my Proto-Portfolios page. This is date of my blog.
The first , there are Proto- Portfolios . The second, there are Essay Showcase.
The third, Book review showcase.

0.0. Proto-Portfolios

Reflections on Proto-Portfolios

My blog started in april. I couldn't book review enough every month.
Because, I had part-time job everyday.

1.0. 1st Semester Portfolio

I couldn't update enough.

1.1. Essay Showcase

Best Essay
My best essay is Rovin Hood. I shared this essay with Yukie, Nonoka, and Kaya. We watched 4 type Rovin Hood.

Essay 1-03b:Rovin Hood

Overall Essay Developments
[Explain two or three (2-3) of the most important, overall developments evident in your essay writing first semester.]

☆ I wrote my opinion these essay.
☆ I usually can't write to long but, in essay I can write many my opinion.

1.2. Book Review Showcase

Best Book Review
My best book review is Catch The Bus.  
I think this book is the most interesting for me. Because, The cubs like me.

BR 1-05:Catch The Bus

Overall Book Review Developments

My book review's Story is too long and my opinion is shorty. I think that I could write more opinion. I try to read book more slowly and carefully.

2.0. 2nd Semester Portfolio

I couldn't update enough totally.

2.1. Essay Showcase

Best Essay
I think Essay 2-02b: My Work Place is my best essay.
Why I think so, I can write detail about my work and my relationship.
And I can

[Explain which is your best essay from 2nd sem., and why you think so. Give at least two (2+) reasons. Provide a direct link to it in a short display title, keeping the URL hidden from view.]

Overall Essay Developments
[Explain two or three (2-3) of the most important, overall developments evident in your essay writing this ... year, and in which semester(s) you made them.]

2.2. Book Review Showcase

Best Book Review
[Explain which is your best book review from 2nd sem., and why you think so. Give at least two (2+) reasons. Provide a direct link to it in a short display title, keeping the URL hidden from view.]

Overall Book Review Developments
[Explain two or three (2-3) of the most important, overall developments evident in your book review writing this ... year, and in which semester(s) you made them.]

2.3. Additional Highlights and Reflections

[Suggest other aspects of your writing this year that you feel are or have been especially important, and explain briefly why you think so. If possible, point out specific examples of work on your blog or spreadsheets that show what you feel is important for portfolio reviewers to consider.]

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