Nov 28, 2013

Essay 2-03a:Learning with Computers

It is fun and easy for me to learning with computers. I had more time since I became a secound  grade. I mainly use a computer in Writting class, Reading class, Speaking class, Listening class. Of cause I use other classes. I surely use computer when I do homework.
Mainly I useing computer in writting class. I write esssays, book reviews, movie reviews, free writing in my blog. Im'not good at write essay because I should write long sentence  and use my head. But it is good for me. I have to reading books and writing reviews and typing homework every week. But I manage to get behind in my homework. I want to fix that.I have my blog in writting class. In my blog, I write about my favorite series, dialy, typing homework. It is good for me because I can write anything I like.
In Speaking class, I do English Central. It is site what I can learn pronunciation, conversation, listening with using headphone and mike. This site is breakthrough and wonderful. It is great help for me to develop an ability to listening and speaking skills.
In reading class, I learn about English newspapers. I already don't reading japanese news paper. It is difficult for me to readind English newspaper. But I gradually enjoy reading English newspaper. And of cause I given an assignment of English newspaper. I search articles taken along assignment and I write up Word soft of Office tools. And I have to do Power Words. It is program that I can build a strong my vocabulaly. I have to finish the work assigned by my teacher.
In Listening class, I download listening file and I do homework everyweek. Now we are in high-teck world, We can anything in computer.
When I do my homework I usually use Office tools. Office tools has many program like Word, Excel,Powerpoint. I became good at machines since I became second grade. These programs fix my spelling error and teach me grammatical mistakes.
And I sometimes learing from youtube.  I like youtube and I often watching youtube when I free. I usually watching overseas artist's Music Video and drama. There are moving image with lyric and Japanese translation. So It it good lesson for me.  
I think I live in a world of convenience. It is analogy. If I don't have computer I would strand because I should write homework by hand and I can't consult imformation quickly. Computer is of great use for me.
[425 words]


  1. Your essay is easy to read! I like youtube too! What is your favorite video?
    You should make up for deficiencies in some paragraph's sentence.

  2. Your essay is easy to read.
    How long do you usually use computers in a day?
    I think using computers is necessary in many classes.
    i think "I use computers in Writing class" is better in second paragraph.

  3. Your essay is easy to read! I often watch music video on youtube too. What overseas artist do you like?

  4. This essay is great essay.Im'not good at write essay too. What do you use the most on computer?

  5. Your essay is easy to read. But I think your essay is little short. I recommend you to increase more sentences. I think you have to write upper 500 words in this essays.
